Safe Cloak

Hidden Gun Storage: Everything You Need to Know

Many gun owners strive to have discreet storage for their firearms while still keeping them accessible at all times. It’s important to strike a balance between these two needs and determine exactly what type of storage you require. There are a variety of gun storage options, and American Security provides high-quality safes for you to choose from. We’ll cover the basics of everything you need to know about hidden gun storage and what products we recommend.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Hidden Gun Storage

There are a few things you need to keep in mind before making the leap for your storage investment. This includes the following:


Especially during an emergency situation, you want easy access to your firearms should a threat arise. 43% of gun owners take home defense into account when it comes to gun storage, as it’s one of the main reasons people own firearms in the first place. The last thing you need is an inconvenience when protecting your family.

The good news is that there are plenty of secure gun storage solutions that also ensure seamless accessibility. For example, you can keep your firearm within arms reach with our Under Bed Gun Safe. Constructed of 18 ga. and 7 ga. steel, featuring an illuminated electronic lock, you won’t ever have to run to your closet or somewhere else in your home to protect yourself.

American Security’s Under Bed Safe

Under Bed Safe


While accessibility is naturally top of mind, security is another deciding factor. It’s understandable that you want your firearms to be easily accessible, but not to the point where your items get into the wrong hands.

Investing in a quality safe protects other members of your family like children from accessing weapons. Even if you don’t have kids in your home, it’s a good idea to lock up your guns and protect them from potential theft attempts.


We understand that accessibility is a component to consider, but discreteness is also on that list. While the hiding place for the safe is important, there are some other accessories you can purchase that can help your gun safe blend into its surroundings.

For example, AMSEC sells a safe cloak you can use to transform your safe into looking like a wood cabinet. This is the perfect solution for those who are storing their gun safe in their home whether it be the bedroom, closet, etc.

Safe Cloak

Size and Capacity

Depending on how many guns you plan on storing (with the potential of adding more to your collection in the future), you want to consider what type of gun storage option will be best for the long term.

If you only plan on owning a small handgun, one of our small pistol safes will do the trick:

Pistol Safe

However, if you own a rifle and a couple of handguns, our under bed gun safe can accommodate space for a few different firearms. If your collection is more robust, you may have to make the leap to a much larger gun storage solution. Just make sure you select a secure place to store the safe no matter what size you end up going with.

Installation Options

Consider whether you need professionals to help install your gun storage option for you. Depending on whether you own or rent your home, and how long you plan on living where you are, you may want a non-permanent gun storage solution that doesn’t require major home modifications.

If you plan on staying at your home indefinitely, installing a permanent gun storage solution could be beneficial. This could include a built-in wall or floor safe. These options are typically very customizable to fit your needs and the structure of your home. Installing permanent storage can also boost your property’s value if you ever reconsider moving in the future.

Legal and Safety Considerations

In the United States, federal law does not mandate specific storage requirements for firearms. However, transferring a firearm to a person prohibited from possessing it is illegal, and proper storage can prevent unauthorized access.

State laws regarding gun storage vary significantly. Some states have laws requiring firearms to be stored securely when not in use, especially if children are present in the home. For example, California requires that all firearms be stored in a locked container or with a locking device when not in use. Many states also enforce Child Access Prevention (CAP) laws that impose criminal liability on gun owners who fail to store firearms securely, thereby allowing minors to access them. The specifics of these laws vary by state.

Overall, just make sure you check on what your particular state enforces and abide by the laws enforced in your area. The team at American Security can help you find the right gun storage solution to fit your needs while also following state regulations.

Pros and Cons of Hidden Gun Storage

With discreet gun storage comes a variety of pros and cons. However, from our experience, there are many more pros to effectively hiding your firearm than cons. Here are just a few:


Enhanced Security

Concealed gun storage solutions help prevent unauthorized access by children, guests, or others who should not handle firearms. The hidden nature of these storage options adds a layer of protection against accidental or intentional misuse.


Hidden gun storage solutions are designed to blend seamlessly with home decor, allowing homeowners to maintain the aesthetic appeal of their living spaces. Furniture with concealed compartments, wall safes behind paintings, or in-floor gun storage solutions can keep firearms out of sight without disrupting the look of a room.

This inconspicuous approach also provides peace of mind for gun owners, knowing that their firearms are securely hidden particularly from children or any other frequent visitors.


Many hidden gun storage options can be customized to accommodate different types and sizes of firearms, as well as additional accessories like ammunition, magazines, and cleaning supplies. Customizable interiors and adjustable compartments ensure that each gun storage option meets the unique requirements of the owner.


Speed of Access

In emergency situations, accessing your firearms may take slightly longer than if they were left out in the open. However, you need to take into account your local gun storage laws and the other family members that are present in your home. The peace of mind that comes with safely storing your safe outweighs the brief time it takes inputting a code or lock combination to access your firearms.

It may be worth practicing accessing your guns within your safe so that you are used to the process of unlocking the safe should an emergency arise.

Installation and High-Cost

Depending on how robust you plan on getting with hidden gun storage, it may be a large upfront investment if it requires professional installation. Any customization will also increase the cost but may be worth it for your long-term needs.

Key Takeaways on Hidden Gun Storage

It is crucial to strike a balance between keeping firearms accessible for emergencies and ensuring they are discreetly stored to prevent unauthorized access. Options like under bed gun safes provide a good compromise, allowing for quick access while keeping the firearm hidden. You also want to make sure you choose a gun storage solution that fits your current firearm collection and allows for future expansion if you’re a gun enthusiast.

Not only are there personal factors like family members and accessibility you have to consider, but you should also research what your local gun storage laws are for your state to ensure that you’re abiding by the regulations that are put in place. If you need any assistance with choosing your next gun storage solution, American Security is here to help.

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