smart safe technology

Ditch the Stress with Smart Safe Technology

Time is money and money needs managing  — safely.

Anyone who works in retail understands the challenges that go along with managing money, especially cash.  From the customer to the till to the safe to the bank, let’s face it, any number of things could go wrong along the way, the worst of which could be lost revenue, lost employees, lost customers, and even lost reputation. Smart safe technology is the solution.

If you’re a retail manager, you carry an even greater burden of daily stress. Even when you’ve hired good people and have a good process in place, there’s still the little nagging worry that follows you around each day.

Let’s look at a common sense approach to ensure safety of business cash if you do not have a CashWizard Smart Safe.

It goes without saying that some sort of safe should be used to store all cash, even if it’s small amounts such as petty cash. Cash register drawers should always be secured and under lock and key.

  • Open safe only when two people are present.
  • If cash is transported from one location to another, have at least two people present.
  • Provide a cash count sheet which documents: Names of people removing cash from safe, Date/time cash is removed from safe, Date/time cash is returned to safe, Cash breakdown – coins, bills, checks, credit card slips, Two signatures for people signing cash
  • When cash bags are removed from the safe, two people should be responsible for counting and signing the cash count sheet acknowledging that the recorded amount of cash is in the bag.
  • When cash is handed off to the next person, the person accepting the cash should count the cash before accepting it and keep the signed copy of the cash record with the cash.
  • When cash is returned to the safe, it should again be double counted and the cash count sheet should be signed by both parties.
  • Bank deposit slips should match the cash sheets.

And then, of course, the money must get to the bank either by personnel or professional transport.

Now imagine that 90 percent of the above manual steps are automated with CashWizard Smart Safe technology. Not only does it add a layer of security, but it frees up the time spent having to manually handle and manage the cash.

Wouldn’t you rather ditch the stress and opt for a proven way to have better and safer cash management? If so, the simple solution is the AMSEC CashWizard Smart Safe.

You and your employees will have more time to help customers and tend to other tasks that need your attention. Efficiency will be added to the overall operation of your business and your job as manager won’t bog you down with undue worry.

Now let’s look at the ways CashWizard Smart Safe will make your job less stressful and more enjoyable.

  • Increase asset security and employee safety
  • Free up managers’ time for other tasks
  • Streamline business processes to increase efficiency and accuracy
  • Decrease costs
  • Eliminate errors
  • Superior build including dead-latch locking mechanisms and anti-pry doors
  • Multi Door Configuration with up to four single or bunch note bill readers
  • Bill readers identify fraudulent notes
  • Automated reports and alerts
  • Spill–resistant keypad holding up to 500 users with easy onsite or remote user administration
  • Web-based software management providing visibility to critical business information including daily deposits
  • Program safe to push data to store’s point-of-sale system, ensuring all cash sales reported and deposits occur in a timely manner.

When register balances are easily reconciled, it alleviates anxiety about handling cash, relieving stress for managers and employees knowing cash receipts are secure and accurate within an automated platform.

The consistent reliability of the CashWizard Smart Safe System and its accountability also builds trust among employees and managers. Taking away stress and worry creates a more open, friendly work environment for everyone.

Contact us today!

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