Cash Management During the Holidays is Easier and More Secure with CashWizard

When your retail cash management is at peak performance, your holiday revenue is higher, too.

Retailers experience first-hand the frenzy of holiday sales, especially if there are multiple points of sale in the store. Cash in, cash out, counting, recounting, calculating errors, reporting, managing change and change orders, bank reconciliations, and so on.

But there is a solution to cash management problems. It’s CashWizard®  Smart Safe from American Security and it’s a huge benefit to retailers–especially during the holiday season.

With CashWizard Smart Safe, money is tracked at each step of a transaction. Users log into the smart safe and the CashWizard reads and verifies bills while checking for counterfeits. CashWizard keeps track of users who use the safe, what monies are deposited throughout the day and detailed event logs.

Instead of counting the till at the end of a shift, cashiers are able to run reports showing the number of drops made into the safe. Managers can pull reports that show the shift and end of day balances. CashWizard works seamlessly with armored carriers, adding more convenience to the process.

CashWizard can be set up so that managers and other designated users can remotely run reports, change configurations, and enroll new users. You can also set up email notifications to alert whenever a safe is opened or closed, when a courier pickup occurs or is missed, when certain cash thresholds are reached and a variety of more options.

The CashWizard Smart Safe is a fully web-based system that gives you access to a wide selection of reports which include:

  • End of Day
  • Courier Pickups
  • Missed courier pickups
  • Detailed Audit logs
  • Change orders
  • Adjustments
  • Inventory
  • Users
  • Last Transmission
  • And other helpful features

Because CashWizard reporting can be easily customized to each customer’s needs, it’s especially convenient for businesses that have multiple safes in different locations.

A  CashWizard Smart Safe  will:

  • Increase asset security and employee safety
  • Free up managers’ time for other tasks
  • Streamline business processes to increase efficiency and accuracy
  • Decrease labor and courier costs
  • Eliminate errors

Because CashWizard Smart Safes  are so reliable, these are a few key reasons to put one to work for you:

  • Superior build including dead-latch locking mechanisms and anti-pry doors
  • Multi-Door Configuration with up to four single or bunch note bill readers
  • Bill readers that identify fraudulent notes
  • Spill-resistant keypad holding up to 500 users with easy onsite or remote user administration
  • Web-based software management providing visibility to real-time business information including daily deposits
  • Programmable feature to push data via API to the customer’s designated endpoint, allowing for near real-time transaction reporting in the customer’s tool of preference.

As the holiday season approaches, think about giving yourself the gift of less stress and more efficiency in your retail business. Your employees will love CashWizard and be happier, more productive and more accountable. Managers and business owners will love CashWizard because it frees up time to run the business and interact more with customers. It’s a win for everyone.

And it’s not too late to get your own CashWizard Smart Safe before the holidays! Connect here to get a Free Demo of CashWizard! Discover for yourself how it takes the chaos out of the holiday crunch and provides streamlined cash management all year long.

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