How To Use Technology To Get Your Money To The Bank. You Have Options.

When making cash management decisions, security is top of the list; but deciding what’s best for your business needs, means doing a bit of research.

Security is a major priority when it comes to cash management. From the time you open your till for business, until the time you close it out and reconcile and balance your cash. Many businesses struggle with the decision of whether or not using an armored car service for pick-up and delivery to their bank is a necessary step in security.

Certainly there’s an element of confidence knowing that your hard earned revenues are being professionally watched over by people who guard it with their lives enroute to the bank. And it’s comforting to know that once your money is out of your hands it will arrive safely to your financial institution and be deposited into your business account.

On the other hand, maybe your cash deposit is not large enough to warrant the expense of using an armored car service. You really don’t need or want an armored car service, but you would like to feel confident that your cash is safe,secure, and accounted for until it gets to the bank, right?

That’s where a smart safe can make the difference.

The CashWizard Smart Safe from AMSEC will not only improve your cash management practices, it will also help you save valuable time and free up your schedule.

A smart safe will provide your business with multiple layers of physical security features and the highly secure cloud-based platform allows you to remotely monitor cash levels, streamline in-store management time, and reduce risk due to human error.

You’ll have remote access to critical data and reports that will enable you to make informed and intelligent business decisions right from your computer. The patented and innovative CashWizard Smart Safe technology helps streamline change-order management, which means easier reconciliation and balancing.

For those who do use an armored car service, CashWizard Smart Safe technology will work seamlessly for you, too. In fact, the time and energy you’ll save prepping your deposits for armored pick-up will be readily noticed.

Let us help you with your cash management solutions by contacting one of our experts today. Even if it’s just to ask questions — we have answers!

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