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1 Flash
– Response to any keystroke during input
– Notice when lock exits Penalty Lockout
– Any time a beep is sounded
– With each high-note in the Warble Sounds
1 Flash, Repeating
Once every 5 seconds without User Input, indicates Penalty Lockout. After four incorrect code entries, your ESL 10 will enter into Penalty Lockout mode. The Penalty Lockout will last for 15 minutes, during which time your keypad will not accept any input. If you press any key during the lockout period, the keypad will rapidly flash and chirp eight times. Wait until the lockout period has ended before attempting to re-enter your combination.
1 Flash, repeats 4 times
You have entered your code incorrectly
On Solid (3 Seconds)
– While lock is activated after successful code entry