In order to ensure a successful installation of your CashWizard safe we must first ensure your site is ready.
Clearance – dimensions vary depending on the safe model. See details below.
Power clearance – The power input to the safe is on the right side of the safe. 2 inches of additional clearance are needed.
Door opening clearance – The safe door swings open to the right. Sufficient clearance is needed to fully open the door and perform an extraction or courier pickup where the seated cassettes must be removed and placed back, swiftly. Consider the printer is mounted on the door. Door must be open 120 degrees in order for the cassettes to be removed when performing a content removal.
Power – Electrical outlet within 4 feet of desired installation spot.
Bolting – The desired installation spot must have a concrete floor in order to securely bolt it in place.
Connection – Live ethernet / RJ45 port or female connection within 10 feet of desired installation spot.
The safe can connect to the internet via Ethernet. A live Ethernet network drop needs to be available within 10 feet of the safe.
The safe can be set-up to use DHCP or Static IP. If static IP is requested, the below information will need to be supplied by the customer and programmed in the safe.
Safe IP Address
Default Gateway
Subnet Mask
The safe will access the website: HTTPS:// using HTTPS (port 443) with 2048 bit encryption over TCP. The site * will need to be whitelisted. Read full details on Network Requirements.