Knowledge base cashwizard & safewizard

User ID & PINs

Logging into the safe example

User ID: 08      PIN: 120705
Type: 08120705 & Press ENTER

User IDs

Safe users have a unique ID and PIN. You can think of these as a username and password. User IDs can range from 01 to 500. These are sequentially assigned to users as they are added to the safe. As users are deleted their User ID slots become available and will be filled with the next User addition. Enter 2 Digits for User IDs 1-99 and 3 digits for User IDs 100-500. Enter the first digit as 0 for users 1-9. For example, for user ID 5, the user must key in 05.

User PINs

User PINs must be unique. After a user logs in for the first time with the default PIN 111111 (6 times 1), they are immediately forced to create their own unique PIN. The table below describes acceptable PINs. If an invalid selection is made the following prompt will be displayed:  “Your PIN Code Is Illegal, Please Try Again.”

Scenario Example
If all the digits of PIN are same.   XXXXXX Eg: 444444, 777777
If the PIN digits are in ‘increment by 1‘ pattern. Eg: 123456, 678901
If the PIN digits are in ‘decrement by 1‘ pattern. Eg: 654321, 109876
If the PIN digits are in ‘increment by 1‘ pattern with similar adjacent digits.  XXYYZZ Eg: 112233, 334455
If the PIN digits are in ‘decrement by 1‘ pattern with similar adjacent digits   ZZYYXX Eg: 332211, 554433
The following 3+ PIN patterns are also considered invalid.

  • 147258
  • 258369
  • 369258
  • 258147
Select more than one item for comparison.